Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Kinder, Cheaper Kindle

If you're me--and you're not. (Okay, I know it should be if you're I, but I can't do it.)

So. If you're me, you bought a Kindle, but you don't use it as much as you think you should because after paying nearly $200 for it you hate paying more than $1.99 for a Kindle book and really believe all Kindle editions should be free.

But they're not.

If you're me, you figure if you're going to pay $13.99, or even $7.99, for a book you ought to get a book for the money. An actual book with real pages and page numbers and a cover and maybe even an illustration, although illustrations would just be gravy. It's the book. Yes, it's about the book.

My very recent email tells me that has sent me a list of 100 Kindle books under $3.99.

Okay. I'll look through the list. But that's still $4.00.

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