Friday, May 12, 2017

Yep, That's Idaho

Here's the sign I saw in front of a shop as I drove home from Nampa.


Thursday, May 11, 2017

The Cheese Stands Alone, I Think

I bought some Cache Valley cheese the other day. I cannot even look at the Cache Valley label, whether I buy it or not, without thinking of my mother. She said Cache Valley Cheese was the best. I believed her. She was my mother. Besides, the proof of the truth was in the eating. It's good cheese.

I suppose my mother was partial to it, partly, because Logan, Utah, is where she first saw my dad. She was a student (briefly) at Utah State, and he was secretary to that school's president. Anyway, Cache Valley is the cheese our family preferred, not that cheese was our entire diet. And, yes, eating the cheese is proof of its goodness and, by the way, its marked superiority over Kraft cheeses.

Then we--my mother, father, probably my little sister, and I--took a trip to Tillamook, Oregon, and toured the cheese factory there. This is long ago, when I was young. Like in the 1950s. Shocking.

Something about watching the making of the cheese, hearing the explanations that accompany the tour and the production of their cheese--something about that makes you feel like this is good cheese, and it is yours, your cheese.

That's how I felt, even as a very young person.

So now, except for the other day, I only buy Tillamook cheese, preferring their medium cheddar. Once, several years ago, I bought a brick of Bandon cheddar. It was cheaper. But I heard about it from my children, particularly Richard.

He explained something I already knew. "You can taste the difference, Mom."

But hmmm, Bandon is also a town in Oregon, a cheese producing town. But again, hmmm, In 2000 Bandon closed its factory. Then Tillamook Cheese bought the Bandon factory.

Here's the thing: you can look online and get the whole sordid story, and it is kind of sordid, since Tillamook claims all of its cheese is Oregon Coast cheese, while the truth is that some cheeses are made in Wisconsin and shipped to Tillamook. People who live in Tillamook and nearby towns are angry about this deceptive behavior on the part of Tillamook Cheese. These people claim the Wisconsin cheese is inferior because the cows are inferior, which makes their milk inferior.

And so on. Google it.

What shall Richard and I think? I'm not sure, but I do know what cheese I prefer. It's Tillamook.