Friday, December 23, 2016

A White Christmas and How

It's my neighbor, Carlton Quick. Yes, that's his real name. He's out there shoveling my drive and walkways. The snow is deep. Deep.

Sure, he's young, maybe 30, and he's big, about 6'5", but that doesn't mean he has to do this. I just stepped out to ask what I could ever do for him. He says I don't have to do a darn thing; he was already out; somebody's got to do it. I'm guessing he doesn't know how thankful I really am. It has not stopped snowing yet and predictions are that it won't for this whole day and maybe tomorrow.

He hasn't done his own driveway yet. I hope he will.

P.S. It's now Saturday morning, Christmas Eve. He, my neighbor, didn't shovel his own driveway and didn't finish mine. Oh well. It just snowed more anyway. But about 7:30 last night George Mathews came and shoveled the whole thing. He is a good man. However, this morning there's another inch or so, and the weather report for the day says Heavy Snow.

This is a big deal here. This much snow is not our normal deal. Yes, a White Christmas, but can my family drive here through it?