Today I visited Norma Dee Walker at Spring Creek, the Senior Living facility where she is and where some have told me she will stay for the rest of her life. Norma Dee said as we were talking, "until I get out of here." So she may not know what is planned for her. Well, who does. I could see she has faded, and so on.
I have already expressed my views on such places, and this post is not about Norma Dee or Spring Creek. It is really about Ustick Road, because Spring Creek is on the corner of Ustick and Meridian Roads.
Part of Meridian Road is closed, so you have to go out Ustick. Well, you could drive the freeway if you wanted, but I figured I might as well take Ustick all the way, so I did. And I came back on Ustick, all the way to where it ends at Curtis.
Ustick Road is a city and a peculiar culture all its own. A miles-long city, with strip malls and shopping centers and schools and churches and fire stations and doctors' offices and law offices and gas stations and a new Library! and carved stone signs introducing neighborhoods and subdivisions and very old houses and buildings--at least 100 years old--that speak some kind of history that I don't know anything about. All on either side of Ustick Road. Old along one mile and new the next. And much life going on there. It was exciting to see. All of it.
It's not the first time I've taken Ustick from the Meridian area all the way to Curtis, but this time I enjoyed it more. I really looked. I'll drive it again soon.
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