Thursday, May 30, 2013

I actually do live in the city

Okay. What's going on? 

I mean, speaking of wild, and speaking of holy moley, what is going on? 

Ten o'clock this morning, standing at the kitchen sink, rinsing out a bottle, I look up and see a full-grown female mule deer just beyond my back fence, in the Clicks' (their real name) back yard. 

She scratched a lot--deer have fleas, you know--and she ate some leaves from a tree, drank the water pooled on the deck, wandered about the yard, and then moved out of my sight. About ten minutes.

I don't know how she got in there or out. It's a fenced-in yard. Of course I don't know, but obviously it's possible.

I wonder if a mule deer in the neighborhood might keep the raccoons away.

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