Tuesday, May 8, 2012

And we ate at Macaroni Grill and Baskin-Robbins

Adjacent to our Intercontinental City Stars Hotel in Cairo was a mall. A fancy, beautiful, very big mall, frequented by rich people, not the people we saw as we drove through the streets of Cairo.

Wael told us that in Egypt there are only two classes of people now: very rich and very poor. The middle class is disappearing, going down. That is what's happening to Wael. Once middle class, he's going down. He cannot find enough work. His education prepared him to be a tour guide, which he does very well. But since last year's revolution, tourism--upon which the country depends heavily--is way down. With numbers like, before-12 million visitors per year, after-1 million.

The people we saw in this mall have money and time to spend it.

Here is a picture of one wall near a mall entrance.

It was in this mall that we saw our favorite T-shirt. A guy passed us wearing it, and we asked each other, "What does that mean?"

Just four words, but they proved useful to us from time to time. But I'll let Ann tell the four words.

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