Thursday, June 9, 2011

And besides

Don't be thinking I didn't spell my name in the first place.


With a name like Schiess, I have to.

I'd like just a nickel for every time I've been asked, "Can you spell that?" I'd be rich.

And I'm not always a smart alec. I don't always answer, "Yes, I can" and make them ask me to spell it. I usually just spell it. Slowly.

Often like this: Schi . . . ess.

And this time, when I bought the season tickets, I remember the conversation.

"And what was your name?" she asked.

"My name is," I answered, "Schiess." And I spelled it. And I spelled it again when she asked me to spell it.

So, yes, when I bought the season tickets, I spelled my last name. And I spelled it correctly, Blanche, I mean, Holly.

You people should listen, pay attention, transcribe it correctly. It's my name, after all.


Sarah said...

My favorite - I signed up for a poetry slam. When I got the program, the i and e were switched. I pointed it out, and the woman said, "I copied it exactly from the sheet. It was EI on the sheet."
Really? Because I've never made that mistake in my life.
Raines is much easier, although I have to emphasize the E.

Carol's Corner said...

Really? Are you sure you know how to spell your own name, young lady?
Oh brother. Some people.