Thursday, March 3, 2011

Two bullets, one of which is long

  • I like Kathy Bates, as an actor (PC of me), and so I have tried to watch her new hit tv show, Harry's Law. She's Harry, short for Harriet--a name I also happen to like.
Among the reasons I have for watching tv at all is this: to be entertained. Funny huh.

On Harry's Law there are moments of entertainment. She can deliver a line really well, and there have been some good ones. I have chuckled now and then. Also, the show has some good characters. And good actors.


I do not call it entertainment when I am beaten over the head with somebody's a)political views, b)apparent hatred for America, c)disdain for the entire American legal system, that is, court system.

This is, apparently, the purpose of the show: to get all that across to us, the quite stupid viewing public, because we might not know stuff if David E. Kelley--writer/producer--didn't beat us over the head with stuff, that is, his take on stuff.

I'm not talking one time. I'm talking in all of the three episodes I have watched. Ugh.

It's tiresome, far from subtle, very tiresome, not entertaining, and it is insulting.

I don't know if I'd approve or feel entertained if the political views matched my own more closely. And that's the truth. I just don't know, because I think entertainment means something that may have little to do with politics.

As to Harry's abilities, she is good. She gets people off mostly.

Like the old, poor, black woman who took a gun, held it to the head of a storekeeper, and demanded all his money. This woman got off because she was a)old, b)poor, c)black, d)because there would be something terribly wrong with a justice system that would convict her of the crime she committed, and e)there's already so much wrong with this country that we can hardly get it all said in an hour tv show.

I put myself in the old black woman's place, because I am old, not poor but not rich. But I am white. There is that.

If I put a gun to the head of the guy over here at the Maverick store and took all the money . . . well, you get it.

Of course, I wouldn't do it--for many reasons, only one of which is that first I would have to buy a gun. They never mentioned where the woman got the money to buy the gun.

Yes, I know my choices. Watch and shut up or stop watching. I have to choose the latter.
  • You know those ribbons people stick on their cars, like the yellow one for supporting the troops and the pink one supporting research for a breast cancer cure. I'm wanting one that is the color of duct tape. It will be in support of gagging Charlie Sheen.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Awesome last bullet. I don't like stuff that's heavy-handed in either direction (I think).

And when I saw bits of a recent interview with Charlie Sheen, I was embarrassed for him. He obviously doesn't know that he comes off like the most immature teenage boy ever. That's saying something.