Saturday, March 19, 2011

Thank goodness for WikiHow

How to Make Fertilizer from Banana Peels

Yeah, right. Here's how:

Break apart the banana peels, lay them carefully--skin side down --on a cookie sheet. Skin side down so they won't stick to the cookie sheet.

Bake them in the oven--while you're baking something else, of course, so as not to waste energy and so that your enchiladas or brownies or whatever will have that nice banana-peel taste.

When they're done and crispy,

Break them up and store the pieces in an air-tight container. I do have one of those.

I mean, isn't this just compost? Wouldn't the sun and the great outdoors eliminate most of these steps for me?

Obviously, I am not "green" enough. I say it because I do not intend to use my banana peels in this way.

This way, maybe:
How to Treat Acne With Banana Peels

1 comment:

queenann said...

You could at least compost your banana peels. Lucky you--you don't have acne to treat with them.