My mower guys are Hilltop Landscaping, LLC. Carleton's name is on the business card as owner. He's young, early 30s, maybe, slender and handsome, with dark hair and dark eyes, a short beard.
Nick works for Carleton. At least that's what I think they said when I met them last year. And Nick's name is not on the card. He is maybe a little older, late 30s. About the same height, around 6'1" but stockier. Red face, light hair, not as handsome.
When they are here together, Nick acts like he's in charge. He tells me to "talk to your neighbors" about things like the pine trees on one side and the encroaching property on the other. (That last part may not be clear. Oh well.)
Twice Nick has told me he took a picture, a before picture, of my lawn. I suppose some day he'll show it to me, but I can already see the difference between then and now.
Nick moved the rebar and hammered it in more securely for me today--heavy hammering--to hold together the old piece of wood by the chain link fence, the old wood that keeps their property on their side of the line. The fence and the old wood were here when we bought the land and built our house. In those days, the Hessings were our neighbors--their fence, their wood, in place for more than twenty years before we came.
Nick says this fix will last a couple of days. I'm counting on longer than that. Eric Nelson hammered my rebar in about five years ago. I'd like at least another five years. Then, maybe, I'll talk to my neighbors, the Shuells. You know that old saying: good fences make good neighbors. Seems apt here. And I say keeping silent about small matters also makes good neighbors. So far this is a small matter.
I like it here, squirrels and all. Like my house. Like this neighborhood. Get along well with my neighbors. Well, not much to get along with in my new neighbors who live next door. The house Phil Jones built, lived in about ten years then built out in the Meridian area, selling his big house with pool and four garages to the Bakers. They, too, have moved away, and the new neighbors, whose name I don't know, have been here about a year. Pine tree neighbors.
I did speak to him about the trees a couple of weeks ago. Got nowhere.
I have written this because someone might want to know.
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