Saturday, February 5, 2011

February Bullets - Random

  • My poinsettia is looking sparser and sparser. I believe death is near. Makes sense, I guess. I've had it, loved it, cared for it since early December. The diefenbachus plant Jan gave me is long gone. That one I killed or at least let die. I warned her.
  • Sometimes I want a dog. Not enough to get one.
  • Egypt: the whole thing frightens me. If Mubarak goes will all be well? My sense is that it will never be all well again. Who knows?
  • This from Stephen King: "Any word you have to hunt for in a thesaurus is the wrong word. There are no exceptions to this rule."
  • Speaking of dogs, Steph's poodle, Rose, is now Lowell Elementary's reading dog. Go here:
  • I said this was random.


queenann said...

How about this for random:

Your grandchild who was born in 2007 likes to tell stories to himself while he sits on the toilet. Sometimes I come in and ask if he's ready to be wiped and he tells me to go away because he's not done with his story.

Carol's Corner said...

Yes, but that is extremely wonderful. I love it.