Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Philosophical Me

So maybe I get a little too deep sometimes.

Like the other morning I was giving thanks for waking up, another day, being alive, and I began to wonder just how that happens, what wakes us up?

I mean, from a sleep that may be sound and very deep we suddenly stir, open our eyes, and we're awake. What makes that happen? I know we have internal clocks, and we can set them. But there's another question behind that, don't you know.

I was telling these thoughts to a few of my friends. They may have thought what I said in the first sentence up there. "There goes Carol, getting a little too deep again."

Devan brought me right back up to the surface. She said, "It's the digestive system, Carol."

I guess I'll have to go along with that.

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