Monday, December 15, 2008

I Digress

Barack Obama smokes.

That's not a rumor. And don't you find it interesting that we, the poor stupid public who need change and need him to tell us we need change and what kind of change we need, never saw a puff of smoke or heard a word about his filthy habit? I do. I find it interesting and troubling.

I mean what else about St. Barack did they--and I don't even know who they all are, but I know some of them--hide from us?

Truly, this calls the whole election into question. This and the whopping registration of voters--democrats--who may or may not actually live where they supposedly live or live at all. And I won't even mention Blagojevich.


Anonymous said...
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michelangelo said...

i once kissed a guy who smoked. it was perhaps the most disgusting experience of my life. sickening. does michelle o smoke, too? if not, i wonder how she can bear to kiss her husband. i couldn't do it.

Alex said...

New York Times
May 30, 2008

"The peskiest medical problem seems to be his multiple efforts to quit cigarette smoking, which he began at least two decades ago."

Phyllis Miller said...

There you have it, Mom. The fact that a May New York Times article mentions his smoking--an article in which, by the way, the president-elect's doctor immediately begins to diffuse the situation in the next two paragraphs, mentioning how Obama "has quit this practice on several occasions and is currently using Nicorette gum with success" without, obviously, defining "success."--means it was not swept under the rug. So there.

On a related note, mom, I have a swearing problem. I have quit "this practice" on several occasions and am currently biting my tongue with success. Which is to say I still swear although I am successful in biting my tongue.