Saturday, January 11, 2014

Ho hum

It's Saturday. I have cut up and prepared strawberries for freezing, a task which requires no skill, only time, a knife, and quart-size freezer bags. Oh yes, and strawberries.

Which are very expensive just now, being out of season. That's why I froze them. (I know this is fascinating.) I had not planned to freeze them when I bought the two 16-oz boxes. But I cannot eat them all before they spoil, and I do not want to waste any bit of even one berry.

Get it? 
*     *     *

Somehow, it has warmed up today, 45 when I got up, and I have a pool in my back yard. Not for swimming. Not attractive. And lots of mud back there, too. The wind comes up strong now and then. 

Not my favorites: mud and wind. But warmer I do like.

It is still winter.

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