Sunday, July 3, 2011

For Fun

Here is a poem my friend Susan gave me today. She thought I would enjoy it, and I do. It's written by Sean Johnson, English MFA Graduate student at BYU.

To Spelling
"The righteous shall inherit heaves."
--Bible misprint

How easily Freud becomes fraud or my aunt
turns into an ant when you go haywire, spelling.

One slip up and seven rabbis hop swiftly
through a shaded forest.

Someone waves the silver wand of a pen
and, under your spell, even time vanishes--

months transforming into moths and flitting away
through an open window. You sneak

up on us, penetrate the fences of our spell checks,
plague e-mails and memos as a pest blights crops--

so that, yesterday, when I wrote in my journal
we're in love, it came out were in love.

* * *

Then there's the invitation I received to attend a 4th of July Breakfast in honor of the Idaho National Guard's 116th Calavary Unit.

I'll probably go anyway.

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