Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Poor Me

I am really tired. Actually, I am sleepy, having been deprived of sleep lately. Lately meaning the last few months.

They say all you need when you have missed sleep is a good eight hours. Okay, I'd settle for that. But I cannot remember the last time I slept eight hours straight through. And pretty much, even if I get to bed late and don't sleep well, I get up early. It's just me, the way I am.

Heavens. Look at all the to be verbs in this post.

So here is what I will do. Not about the to be verbs, about my tiredness.
  1. A little laundry
  2. Take a nap
I know. Not much of a post. But it is my blog.

1 comment:

Nancy Darrington said...

I don't think I've slept 8 hours in a row in decades. But I sure have listened to a lot of audiobooks in the middle of the night. Works for me.