Sunday, December 13, 2009

Weather Matters

Weather is not the only thing on my mind. I am not one who watches the weather channel or even the nightly report. I do have an outdoor thermometer stuck on my kitchen window. That is handy, I guess, but I only have it because of my friend who is a weather . . . what? aficionado? nut? It's her doing.

But times like now weather becomes almost an hourly issue. Is it snowing? Will it snow? What? rain expected tomorrow? (And it is. I have just looked online here.) Because one has to negotiate it, get out into it, go places through it. And so I have been outside at 3 AM--can't sleep anyway--just checking on things to see how it will be when I have to drive in the morning, go to church.

While I was out there I was thinking:
  1. I'm not a person who likes to be trapped, even in her own home. Don't know anyone who is.
  2. One of these days I'll need to get those Christmas errands done.
  3. Maybe get a tree Monday. Guess we'll see how the weather is.
And I've knocked down some of the icicles that melt onto my front walkway, and then the melt freezes, makes an icy patch right near my front door. I'll spread down some of that snow melt on that spot. It's the snow melt stuff I bought last year. It worked fine then, and so we'll see if it's still good this year.

Strange middle-of-the-night behavior, I suppose. But who's surprised?

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