Thursday, October 16, 2008

My politics

I am sick of it. Sick of the whole thing, the money fears, the greed, the utter lack of integrity (a word, by the way, I have not heard in any context lately), the endless stories/articles on "what really happened," the stupidity and shortsightedness of "our representatives" (Ha!), the meaningless words of promise, the proliferation of those words, the sense those folks have that whatever they say we believe. Or ought to. It's a joke, but not very funny.

And, especially, I am sick of Obama being shoved down my throat. Like, the debates are bad enough. But the post debate analyses--good heavens. They worship the guy. St. Barack. They may as well come right out and say it. And every newscast, every online story about the campaign, everywhere I turn, they tell me he is winning. Well, maybe. But come November--and it can't come soon enough for me--I will cast my vote anyway.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I voted absentee today! Yay for me! As for Obama, I guess just be glad you don't live in New York City -talk about worship.