Monday, October 27, 2008

I Repent

Today the skin dr called me Lady, Kid, Sweetie, Carol (my actual name), and Sweetheart. He also zapped my left hand and my face eight times with liquid nitrogen and took three punches from my forehead. That procedure required numbing before the punches and stitches after. The numbing part hurt, but I wasn't thinking of writing about that. I was thinking of the blog I'd write about those funny little terms of endearment that seem to slip so easily out of his mouth. Clearly, he doesn't think about them; he just says them.

But as I left the office he stopped me in the hall and said he was sorry for messing up my face. Then he hugged me. I think he is just a nice guy. Can't help himself.

So, Dr Burr, I'm sorry for . . . whatever.

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