Saturday, July 12, 2014

Pre Pre-mixed

Today I had a hot dog at Costco. I know, I know. It's not good for me. But the hot dog is not the point.

The point has to do with the lemonade, Minute Maid. You can have it. And Country Time, if that still exists, and Crystal Light, and even Paul Newman's, which has been rated the best pre-mixed lemonade.

Pre-mixed. Interesting word/concept.
How do you mix something before you mix it? (For that matter, what exactly is a pre-owned car?)

And do you really want something that has been pre-mixed? I mean, does it appeal to you in any way? The bottom line for me: these pre-mixed lemonades and powdered lemonade mixes do not taste much like lemonade. And frozen lemonade also falls short. It's better, but . . .

Not any of it can come remotely close to the lemonade my dad made on Sundays with lemons from the two little lemon trees he planted. I'm sure I've mentioned it before. Even so, I say this: That is the lemonade I want. Maybe this is a glorified memory from childhood. Maybe not. How do you like the lemonade you buy these days?

And, while I'm at it, wouldn't it be fun to be in that kitchen again with Mama and Daddy working on Sunday dinner? Mama cooking the food, Daddy making the lemonade.

Indeed it would.

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