Monday, July 21, 2014

Of the Heart

I'm supposed to go to the cardiologist this week because, to sort of quote my gp dr, "There was something on the ekg I didn't like. A little squeak." He also said, "Your heart is stable, no damage."

Is this a mixed message? I certainly do not know what that means, a little squeak. Either this: something irregular about my stable heart. Or this: something he just didn't understand. Whatever.

My "blood work" (a very medical-sounding term) was all good. Thyroid good, blood sugar very good, cholesterol good, and I have not had another heart attack. Which is also really good. These are the matters that occupy the minds of elder people.

The thing is, though, that Richard and his children are here this week. And I have to take my car in tomorrow and leave it all day and I just don't see how I'm going to get to the cardiologist. And . . . a bunch of other stuff.

My idea is to call that office, ask if a dr has seen the ekg, and ask if they think it warrants a visit. Hmmm. My guess is they would say it does.

I think I'll just wait a while.

P.S. I just brought my phone in, and because it has been in my car all afternoon, I missed the call from the cardiologist's office wanting to set up an appointment. Guess I'll call them tomorrow.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Doctors should stop using that phrase "I don't like . . ."

It's pretty deceptive. Health isn't really about the doctor's "liking" things.