Friday, April 18, 2014

I have an open mind, after all

It was my dad who taught me to like avocados. We had a small tree in our backyard. I suppose those are the avocados we ate.

Daddy put slices of avocado on toast and mashed them, then added pepper (more than I do), and that is how I preferred to eat them, just like Daddy. But then I watched my sister-in-law, Lynne (now deceased; Daddy always called her Lynnie) put mayonnaise on her avocado, so I tried that. I don't use as much mayo as she did, but a little is good.

I make the bread, and that is good, too. Homemade whole wheat bread, toasted, fresh avocado with a little pepper and mayonnaise--pretty darn tasty.

And now let's talk about bacon.
After I wrote a post complaining about how thin bacon is sliced these days, my friend Joan called to save me. Really. She said I should use precooked bacon, available at Costco.

I silently turned up my nose at the idea. But then I thought, "Why not?" And I have been using it and happily. It's good, easy, and quick. What's not to like?

Now. If I could only buy a decent tomato.

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