I have a cold. It has kept me home, which is not all bad. When I'm home I don't spend money.
But the cold is. All bad.
For two days I sounded fine, although my eyes were burning and my nose running. But this morning it went down to my voice, as usually happens, and I sound like Marlene Dietrich, without the accent, although I could imitate her German accent if you wanted me to.
Neither here nor there. It's the cold I'm concentrating on, you know, and on how to rid myself of it. I've had quite enough of zinc lozenges to last me a good long time, thank you very much. I've taken Airborne and EmergenC, slept more than I normally do. I even had to stay home from the temple today.
Here's how it it. As I was fixing my lunch today, my nose dripped onto my sweat shirt. This is not something I enjoy, but at least it didn't drip-drop into my tuna.
Good I live alone or I might have been embarrassed.
As it is, I'm just waiting and hoping tomorrow will be a better day.
Back in Pennsylvania, the dad has pink eye and sore throat; the middle brother has ear ache; the youngest brother, who had pink eye last week, is apparently fine; the mom is over her cold, and the baby is perfect.
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