Thursday, November 4, 2010

Oh Dear

I have things to do, you know. I can't sit around watching for the garbage truck.

So I got busy peeling my butternut squash for the soup of the same name. Kept my ears peeled (is that possible?). Each time I heard the familiar loud sounds, I ran to the dining room to look out the front window. Didn't want to stand right in front of the living room windows, you know. Too obvious.

The recycling got picked up first. Okay. That's kind of normal here. And I'm a grown up. I can wait. Just so they take it.

Then I saw the other truck, the garbage one, from my kitchen window. It was down on the street behind ours. Hallelujah. Really. (Maybe I need to get a life.)

I worked. I waited. He came.

And he left without taking my toilet.

My neighbors said they saw me running down the street. Which is not a lie because that's what I did, yelling, "Hey!" and reaching for my phone. I didn't catch him. My neighbor Ron said, "You mean you couldn't catch a big old diesel truck?"

Not a nice question, I'd say.

I called Allied Waste and asked what's the deal. You assured me they would pick it up . . . and so on. I was not nasty.

Tracy told me the deal. It's a separate truck. It'll come later.

Well I certainly hope so.

1 comment:

Linda said...

A Kodak moment missed.