Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Charlie and the mundone

Jeremy's home this morning. He and Ann have been working in the house, getting ready for their soon-to-arrive company. They also plan to go to Costco. I took Lola over to go with them.

Jeremy comes upstairs rolling his eyes. It's because of Charlie.

Ann: Jeremy got all of the blankets, folded them, and put them in a box. Then Charlie pulled them out again and said, "I'm going to decorate."

Me: Fun. So when are you going?

Ann: Don't know. Edmund's asleep so we're working while he sleeps.

Jeremy, as he goes back downstairs and with emphasis: We're trying to get things done.

Me: And Charlie is getting them undone.

Lola: Mundone.

Ann: The mundone.

Me: Charlie and the mundone.

We're Schiesses. It's how we think.

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