Thursday, April 9, 2009

From the Past

Wow! I saw Driek Zirinski today in Winco. Driek, short for Hendriekia, in case you're interested. Or is it Hendriekje? It's Dutch. She retired from teaching at BSU ten years ago, about four years before I did, or as she put it (and as I always put it when speaking of myself) quit.

Anyway, many years since I've seen her. She asked for a hug, responded to my question about what she is doing now by telling me what turned out to be a rather long story, got interrupted by someone rolling a cart between us, became impatient to leave--as I think she always is--then remembered she had been talking, and continued.

She is an accomplished woman. After teaching, as her long story revealed, she turned her talents to the Boise Art Museum, is on the board, is an extensive collector of contemporary art, some of which she lends out to galleries. I told her I hope she writes her name on the back. She could still be formidable, if I were into being formidabled, but I'm not.

Much gray has washed out the red of her hair. That happens as we age, you know. But other than that she looks pretty much the same.

I told her my favorite story about her. While she was still teaching, she and Martha Sipe were working together on some department project. One afternoon in the LA building I watched as Driek, in a hurry to leave, was chased by Martha, who clearly was not finished with her and called after her, "Wait just a minute, Missy."

It's funny because Driek is not one you'd call "Missy," but Martha was no respecter of persons, if you know what I mean.

Driek said, "I love it." We both said, "Sounds like Martha."

I was happy to see Driek, and I told her so. Happy to know she and Michael are still married, still on the planet.

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