Monday, January 19, 2009

Give Me A Break, Tom Hanks

Tom Hanks says Mormons are unAmerican.
Must be true if he says it. Right? I mean, look who he is.

Actually, Tom, that's quite a label to slap on. And I would like to be clear on what you mean.

By unAmerican do you mean unpatriotic, as in Mormons don't serve in the military or salute the flag or become public servants? Or Mormons might speak out against America? Is that what you mean, Tom? You might want to look into the matter.

And by Mormons do you mean all Mormons or only California Mormons? You know, Tom, anyone has the right to campaign for or against a candidate or an issue.

If you mean all Mormons, here's something to consider. Not all of the 12+ million Mormons are American. Did you know that? Such a fact seems relevant, don't you think? Especially given the label you apply to them. And, really, don't you think it's foolish to characterize an entire group? I mean, I don't label all Hollywood celebrities as immoral, egomaniacal drug addicts, just because some of them are. That is if we can believe the news reports about them.

How many Mormons do you know, by the way? And, by the way, did you mean me? You know, I'm a Mormon, and I consider myself very much American and proAmerican.

I'm disappointed in you, Tom, and fearful you have become a little too self-important. So here's my label for you, and I hope it helps.

Tom Hanks, the great Omnignorant.


michelangelo said...

Not that I don't believe you, but where did you heard that he said this?

Carol's Corner said...

He made the comment at a party for the cable tv show Big Love, which he produces. I heard about the comment, then I went online and found at least six news stories about it.

Sarah said...

This really makes me laugh. American Mormons are some of the most American people I know. Didn't it start in America? Makes me sad that he would say this, too. Sadder that he produces Big Love, which is really just a Big Joke.