I know very well that I speak for the minority here. Truly the minority. But I must speak because I really do object to what's going on at the local Winco. That's a grocery store.
A grocery store that is now being turned into a saloon. Our Winco, where I shop often, has, just as you come away from the cashier, a pizza and growler bar. I once thought, silly me, that a growler might be a sandwich. No. It's beer on tap.
You can bet I don't like that development. Pretty sure Fred Meyer up on the hill will do the same. I've seen the growler equipment there.
Do I want to walk around the store with my fellow shoppers while they're drinking beer? No.
But, you say, its location is near the exit. So do I want to drive with folks who have a beer in hand? No.
Yes, yes, I know. Mine is the minority position.
So maybe they just fill big bottles with beer. I don't know for sure.
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