My mother was not a casserole maker. I remember one occasion when she made some kind of casserole and my dad complained or questioned what the "dish" (not his word probably) might be and maybe questioned her wisdom in making it. He was a meat and vegetables man. Soups were welcomed, even spaghetti and chili, but not casseroles. I mean, I only remember that one occasion when Mama put a casserole before us.
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On the other hand, my mother-in-law was a casserole maker. And that fact explains why I had to make tuna casserole--my husband's favorite, if such a thing is possible--and Doritos casserole and tamale pie. My family liked those dishes, except for the tuna casserole. They still bring up the subject of tuna casserole from time to time. It's kind of a cross I have to bear.My mother-in-law gave me the recipe for Doritos casserole and for tuna casserole, which I didn't make exactly as she did--the tuna casserole, I mean. Wayne noticed, but I don't think he complained exactly.
I found my own recipe for tamale pie, which he loved. Maybe that was his favorite; he once said he could eat tamale pie every week. I couldn't fix it every week, though. No, I couldn't, even though I liked it, too.
Shepherd's Pie, I don't know if she ever made it, but I did.