Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Garbage can update

Dead squirrel, pickled.

That's what I have now, or, I mean, that's what the garbage can smells of.

Believe me. Words cannot convey anything close to what this smells like. And you can be glad, I think, that they don't.

Nick is the guy who said to pour vinegar in there. He almost guaranteed the vinegar would take care of the smell. Wrong.

Look. I went out and bought more vinegar after I ran out of what was in my pantry. So I didn't skimp on the vinegar part.

But, while you can--or, one can--smell the vinegar, and it's plenty strong, one cannot escape the dead squirrel smell. Will it ever be gone?

I'm pretty sure this is enough about that.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mothballs? (This is actually an inside joke between me and my hubby - and some other squirrels we once knew . . .)