Tuesday, June 17, 2014

It's the world we live in

The Broadway hit, The Book of Mormon, winner of nine Tony awards, is coming to Boise this summer.

I am sure it will be a sell-out, but I will not be buying. It distresses and disturbs me, and the fact that it won nine Tony awards indicates to me the low level that "taste" has descended to. Can it sink lower? No doubt.

Because I have not seen the show, I know only bits about it. I know that it is filled with profane, and worse, language, and I find the entire idea--to hold up to ridicule something that people hold sacred--profane itself.

The other thing I know is that one of its stars is a "Mormon," sort of. Or was. I know his name but will not put it here, since I have found him smug, self-important, and highly offensive the few times I have seen him.

Just now, this week, I have seen him in his ads for his US News column. He attempts to adopt a professional/writerly persona, in his dinner jacket and with his pipe. Does anyone still smoke a pipe? (That question, I know, is neither here nor there.) He is a little man, that is, short. He is heavy. Still, he is, I believe, quite successful and owes his success to The Book of Mormon. However, I think the TV show in which he starred flopped.

By the way, the ad is silly.

Yes, I have strong feelings here and have not left you in the dark about them. Sometimes I try very hard not to be judgmental. Not working here. Still, one must use judgment and discernment in what one supports and approves.

I hope not to offend anyone, but if I have, sorry-ish.

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