Tuesday, March 11, 2014

A Long Time Ago

It was an innocent time, the late 1940s. Or so it seems as I look back. Certainly my sister and I were innocent little girls then, singing together here and there, with our mother playing for us and teaching us the principles of singing that would stay with us all our lives.

Back to the innocence.

One song we sang a lot was "Daddy's Sweetheart." I woke today with a line from it in my head and thought that's all I'd be able to remember. But--and isn't the brain a marvelous thing?--the entire song has come back to me. Here are the words. I'm sure you'll see why I say it was an innocent time. Can't see anyone singing such a song today.

Daddy's Sweetheart

Mary Jane told me this morning
Something that made me afraid.
She said I'd have to marry a man
Or be a cross old maid.

I'm so worried.
I don't know what to do.
For I've a secret.
I'll tell it to you.

I don't love any man but my daddy,
and he's already married, don't you see?
Oh, if Mommy hadn't married Daddy,
Daddy might have married me.

Often he calls me his sweetheart.
He loves me such a lot.
If mother hadn't snapped him up,
I might have caught him. Why not?

She might have chosen
someone else,
for everybody loves her,
but as for myself,

Nobody loves me but my daddy,
And he's already married, don't you see?
Oh, if Mommy hadn't married Daddy,
Daddy might have waited for me--

Oh, if Mommy hadn't married Daddy,
Daddy might have married me.

So, Lucile, if you read this, you can tell me if it's all here. For me it's part of wonderful memories. Didn't we love to sing!


Unknown said...

It looks like that song is still around. I've never heard it before!

Carol's Corner said...

What do you know? I listened. It's the same song, and it was 2012. So what do I know about these times we live in? Wow.
Two things: 1. It's still a sweet little song; 2. We sang it better.