Monday, November 18, 2013

I know, it's not much, but it's on my mind

Not so many years ago there was this certain idea that pretty much was accepted as a universal truth. It was that the east is better in every way than the west. We here in the west endured plenty of ridicule from those folks living in the east. The great, grand, smart, cultured, wonderful, we-know-everything and we-have-everything EAST.

You poor backward, ignorant, un-everything important people who live in the west just don't know, they would say. Just don't know much. You don't have the important artists and writers and newspapers (not many folks care about a newspaper these days, by the way) and orchestras and history, that we have in the east.

Well, I never accepted that. Hmph, I always thought, "those eastern snobs."

And now for proof of their wrongheadedness, I say consider this. My daughter, who grew up in the west but now lives in the east, cannot buy a can of diced green chiles in your great eastern supermarkets. You probably don't even know what diced green chiles are.

There. I think that settles it.

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