Right. Today I saw two women who believe it. I'm talking BIG HAIR.
So start watching for it.
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Can you tell me how my house increased in value by $40,000 since last year? I mean, my house did not get a year newer, you know.
So my property taxes went up by $800. I am assessed $4,049, due December 20. I'm mad. So I called and have an appointment with the appraiser Tuesday. She'll come and actually look at the house and measure, as if that will do me any good.
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I have a resident squirrel. He hangs out in my back yard. You may know I don't like squirrels, but a) I don't have the heart to kill one, and b) he is kind of fun to watch. No. I don't spend much time at it. I have a life.
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Visited my friend yesterday, my friend who has Alzheimer's Disease. I have written about it at some length in my journal. Maybe I'll post some of it on The Widow's Chronicle. Maybe. It makes me cry to see her. But I'm glad I went.
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I am thankful for my children. I bet they don't know how much I love them.
And their children.