Friday, August 9, 2013

Yes, I'm a woman alone

I have to fire Rudy. I don't know how I'm going to do it yet, but I have to.

Todd is coming over Monday night to fix, I hope, the several sprinklers Rudy has run over and demolished with his riding mower which he insists on using here, even though my yard is not suited for it. I think he just gets on that thing and rides. Without looking.

The sprinklers need to work right. You know? Fixing/replacing them is not free. And then there are the deep gouges his big heavy tires leave in the ground, and they can't be fixed.

I'm also convinced--right or wrong--that he is largely responsible for my lawns looking so BAD.

I hate situations like this. I don't want to be rude to Rudy. (No pun intended.) But neither do I want to fuss and stew in my house and raise my blood pressure every week when he mows.

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