Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Not exactly a bowl of mush

My brother Sterling called today, said he wishes I'd come down so we could get together for a bowl of mush.

Which prompted this post.
I work in the temple Wednesday mornings, from 5:30 to 11:30. You can guess what it means to my getting up time. But last night I could not sleep. I may have gotten about an hour and a half, right around the time I needed to be waking.

Anyway, I got home around 12. Went upstairs and changed my clothes and went out to clear the leaves away from one of my sprinkler heads.
Oh yes, I did have about a 1/2 hour's rest. Not enough, folks. But better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.

Then I came down to eat, and because I sometimes hate fixing food for myself, I had several bowls of cold cereal, and no, I'm not glad. That's just eating to get full. Some food is not unpleasant going down. This was. It was Honey Bunches of Oats with Almonds. TOO SWEET. And I don't like the taste of it. I need to give the box to someone, but I can't think who would like it.

Anyway, I added Cheerios and Grape Nuts to counteract the sweetness and kept going until I had had quite enough, thanks. Ugh.

And some food is not unpleasant when we burp it. This was. Will I learn from this experience? Yes, indeed. At least for a good few weeks.

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