Monday, November 12, 2012

Just home from shopping

What I don't want when purchasing items.
  1. Do you have a ____________credit card?
  2. Would you like to open an account today and get 15% off your purchase?
  3. Are you a member of our rewards club?
  4. Would you like to join?
  5. Would you like to donate 73 Cents (or 47, or 29, or 8) to Food Bank, Red Cross, Boys and Girls Clubs, Am Fam, whatever?
  6. Please take the survey on the back of the receipt. You could win--what?--half the world or something like it.

What I do want.

The cashier tells me what I owe. I pay it. We exchange a thank you. I take my stuff and leave.


queenann said...

You forgot

*Your phone number, please?

*Your zip code?

*Would you like to give us your email address to receive coupons, special offers, and sale notifications?

Also, I find it's getting rarer for the cashiers to even tell me what I owe.

Carol's Corner said...

Yes. You are right.