Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Keep Your Eyes Open

Yesterday we passed the 11th anniversay of 9/11.  And I do remember where I was--coming downstairs to go for a long training walk. Wayne and Richard were in the family room watching the terrible events unfold. I sat with them for a time. We were all stunned and I could hardly believe what I saw. Too frightening. The world changed that day.

I walked with those pictures of the World Trade Center going down playing over and over in my mind. When I got home I called Ann. We cried together.

Later in the day President Hinckley spoke to us via satellite from Salt Lake City. To offer comfort and counsel. Many of us needed it.

Wayne went to work. Richard went to work. That night I taught my class, and that event in New York is what we wrote about. I will always remember my student from Croatia writing, and telling us, that this frightened her more than the war she had escaped from, because this is America. She came here knowing she would be safe.

What changes have come about in those 11 years. Many.

In my family: Richard is married, living in Canada, two beautiful children. Alyce is married, living in Pennsylvania. Wayne no longer sits in the family room or goes to work. And I miss him. I have retired from teaching. And so on and so forth.

Today, this very day, Israel is miffed at the treatment (a euphemism for snub) Netanyahu has received from the White House. And I am, too. Unrest (a euphemism for violence) in Egypt. Muslim protesters storming the US Embassy, burning our flag. Libyan muslims burning the US embassy in Benghazi, killing the ambassador and three other Americans.

Why? Apparently someone in this country made a film that, purportedly, insults the prophet.

The world is not a more peaceful place. And--dare I say it?--we had better watch out for the muslims.

Oh yes, I know, we're supposed to say muslim extremists, but look at the news photos. There are more than a few people involved in these very violent acts. Obviously, many muslims are extreme in their behavior.

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