Sunday, June 1, 2008

A Small Matter

Have you had the experience of feeling someone's eyes on you? You know, you're sitting in church or where ever and you become aware that someone is looking at you, even though you cannot see that person. So you turn, and usually to the very person, and see, unless the person can look away quickly enough, that yes indeed someone has been looking at you.

How does this happen? Is there something sent through the air, some kind of electrical charge from the eyes? And how does it find its way to exactly you?

I cannot think I am the only person who has had this experience. I saw it happen today, in reverse. Someone came into the chapel where I sat. He was clear across the room and could not see me. I watched him enter and, after he sat down, still kept my eyes on him. In a few seconds he turned and looked at me. He did not look around the room but directly at me, although we do not know each other. I quickly turned away, hoping he did not catch me looking at him. Has such a thing happened to you?

I believe this may be some kind of physical phenomenon (physical, as in physics) and wonder if it has a name.


Lucile Eastman said...

I think it's called, staring and being caught. How's that for technical?

Lucile Eastman said...

Actually, I mean "getting" caught.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it has a name; it's called a coincidence.

You should keep track of how many times you think someone is staring and when you look, they're not. We tend to forget or "not count" the times that aren't unusual, and we tend to remember, and hence overestimate, the times that are unusual.

From your skeptical, smart-aleck son.

Sarah said...

I'm inclined to believe that we can 'sense' it sometimes. Dar would call it energy, I think. It's starting to sound way more mystical than I mean it to, but someone staring right at you is focusing energy on you, and you can feel it, and look right at them.