Kimberly, the hygienist: Any teeth giving you trouble?
me: I don't want to say.
kth: Oh?
me: (Deciding that I don't want to go into it with her), well, this one, down here, has started to hurt a little.
kth: We'll get an
xray and let the doc look at it.
me: Um hm.
kth: Is it cold or hot sensitive?
me: Cold, but not hot, and it doesn't hurt all the time.
kth: (After the
xray.) Well, I see a little something starting down there. Nothing much. Not too serious, but it could get worse, you know. He'll probably send you to an
endodontist. You may need a root canal there, but the good news is you already have a crown, so you wouldn't have to have one of those. They can just drill down through the crown, do the root canal, and then do a filling in the crown.
me: (That's
your idea of good news.) Out loud: Um hm.
Kth begins to clean my teeth. And begins with the questions. You know, so I'll feel loved.
kth: So. How's you're daughter that got married?
kth: Now, she was older. Right?
kth: How old was she?
me: (Lifting my head so she'll take the spit-sucking tool out of my mouth) She'll be 34 next month.
kth: Oh yeah. Well, I hope everything is fine.
me: lng.
kth: What are you doing for Thanksgiving?
kth: Me, I'm going out to Smoky Mountain, I mean Smokey Davis, and get a smoked turkey. I'm not cooking one.
me: (Gesturing with my fingers)
ngl lngng?
kth: Either $3.19 or $3.90 a pound.
kth: Yeah, I know. It's pricey, but I don't have room in my oven anyway. Well, I suppose I could cook a breast. No. I'll just get one from Smoky
Moun . . . I always get Smokey Davis mixed up with Smoky Mountain Pizza. Anyway, I'll probably get a 10-
pounder or so. I told my mom to just come over. No reason for her to cook.
There'll only be five of us. Well, one is two and a half, so she doesn't count, so that's only four. And a ham. I'll get a ham. I like ham with my turkey.
me: (Ham and smoked turkey.
Hmm.) Out loud:
kth: My husband's job is to make the side dishes. He's good at that. My dad. He never did anything. Still doesn't, just always sits around waiting, for every meal. "When do we eat?" That's all he ever would say. Or, "What's to eat?" I say, "Dad, you have legs. And arms. Get yourself something. It's not Mom's job to feed you."
me: (Different generation.) Out loud: gnlg.
kth: Different generation, you know? Could you turn your head this way a little? My husband, if he asks me what's to eat around here I just say, "Find out for yourself," or "Fix whatever you want. Have a
samwich or something." He's started complaining that he doesn't like it that I only buy whole wheat bread, and I say, "Well, how would I know that? Say something about it." Close your mouth a little more, Carol.
me: unh.
kth: I love whole wheat bread, but I guess he doesn't. So I buy both now, but he doesn't eat many
samwiches, so the white always rots and I have to throw it out, so last time I put half of the white in the freezer and that works better.
He likes to cook, actually, but if I let him cook our dinner we wouldn't eat until 8 or 9 at night, he's so slow at it. Me, I get it on by six. Home by 5:20, dinner on the table by six, just whatever we have in the house.
After the cleaning, "the doc" comes in.
doc: How are you, Carol?
me: Fine.
kth: Carol complains of some pain in #19. I took a picture.
Doc takes a look at the picture, then at the tooth. He pokes around it with one of those sharp things, of course.
doc: Well, I see it's a tooth that's had a lot of work done on it.
me: Which one hasn't?
doc: Nothing much showing here yet. You can wait, you know, but you wouldn't want to wait too long. You know.
me: Um hm. I know.
doc: Could be the nerve is just dying. That happens as we . . .
And there, he stops, says not another word. Which, I suppose, he believes is polite, considerate, and will avoid the issue of my age--which he obviously thinks I'm sensitive about, but I'm not, except sometimes, like when people think I'm 80 or so.
me: Yes, it's an old nerve.
I stand. We all thank each other. I leave. My teeth feel clean. I like that part.