We're at Caesarea, on the Mediterranean Sea. Such a gorgeous spot. And here are the two things.
Ice Plant. Exactly like what we had in our front yard in Santa Monica, by the Pacific Ocean. |
The ice plant surrounded our palm tree. Yes, we had a very tall palm tree in our front yard, on the east side of the concrete steps. On the west side, we had lawn. You know, grass.
Makes a person feel at home to see such things. This person. Me. I really liked this ice plant.
A raven. |
I had not seen a raven like this before. But I saw many in Israel. It's a big bird, you may be able to tell. Remember, the ravens fed Elijah. These birds could do it.
That's it. The two things.
Well, one more picture from the Mediterranean. It's a favorite, and I know you'll see why. This was our first sight of the Mediterranean, just before we went to Caesarea.
Couldn't be better. Me, my daughter, the sea. |
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