The burned Parliament building. "We fired it!" said Wael. |
Tahrir Square. Still some people there in tents after a year. Wael says no one knows why. |
It's Muhammed (that is his name, but it would be a safe guess for about 65% of the male population) at the papyrus place. That's a lovely thing about going with a tour. They will take you to places where--it is devoutly hoped by the proprietors of those places--you will spend your American dollars.
Muhammed spoke his English very well. I detected a mix of accents--Egyptian, or at least middle eastern--and southern United States. I asked him, eventually getting the truth---well, maybe. Alabama. He says he grew up there, has dual citizenship.
From here we headed to the pyramids.
Okay, yes, I bought a piece of papyrus.
Here is Wael being intermediary for us at the pyramids. We've been out to hang around the largest of the three pyramids of Giza--the one owned by Cheops--and would leave, except for the arms of the vendors reaching in. You can see that Eric has bought the small metal replica of the three pyramids. And someone else on the bus is about to buy one also. | | | | |
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